7 comments on “Bodley draw to a close while Heidenfeld must sweat some more…

  1. In Mark’s position, the black pawn is on c5, not e6, and the white one is on a4, not a2.

    • No, we thought Rc6+ was sidestepped by Kd8 as well, but John found Rd6+ followed by Rd1 to refute. The entire position is really an exercise in what not to do 😀

      The analysis has me losing by about 5 but with equalising chances until the Rxc2+ “sacrifice” and then it says “oh, just go home already” and maxes out at +327 and stays there until white’s Rg7 at which point my computer sits there and just says “excuse me?” and then goes to -327 and asks for a strong drink.

  2. Better go and change the article again! I’d put the pawn wherever I put it originally to make Rc6+ not work. Dammit…

  3. Oh, and there’s no black pawn on the a-file by that position, the white pawn’s on a5 and the black pawn is on c5, not c6. I’ll email you the analysis…

  4. kevin looking at the table there is no chance of your heidenfeld team being relegated.I reckon you will finish a respectable mid table.By the way well done to your Bodley B team as they were in a very tough group

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